Rescue Kitten Longs For Sister Left At Shelter

Adopting an animal is a wonderful, selfless act. But, when you first bring your new pet home, things don’t always go smoothly. Every new pet owner should accept that there is a period of adjustment.

When Alana Hadley adopted a kitten named Ares from the Wisconsin Humane Society, she didn’t expect to have a problem. On the day she brought home Ares, she had also hoped to adopt his sister, Aphrodite, but she had an adoption pending. She took him home alone, and that’s when things got difficult. 

No matter what Hadley did to calm and soothe him, Ares would not stop meowing. She was at a loss.

When she had no idea what else to do, Hadley sent a message to the shelter. “He has been almost non-stop meowing until he goes to sleep,” read her note, “and then meows again when he’s awake.”

The day after writing to the shelter, Ares’ sister’s pending adoption fell through. She was once again up for adoption and Hadley rushed to the shelter, with Ares in tow, to reunite him Aphrodite and hopefully bring her home as a part of their family.

Everything went as planned and the two kittens were overjoyed to see one another. It turned out that Ares was just missing his sister. With the two bonded siblings at home, everything went smoothly. They were much happier, more content kitties. The constant meowing was no longer an issue. “They both love to cuddle and purr like crazy when we are holding them,” she said in a follow-up message

“They sleep most of the day,” she explained, “and they cuddle each other when they sleep!”

Thank goodness Hadley was able to reunite the kitties! Watch their story in the video below and please like and share!

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