Guard On Duty Breaks Strict Code Of Conduct To Silence Crowd

Oh, large crowds! We’ve all seen them and been in them! I like art galleries and museums, and whenever I’m at one, I always feel like I have to stand on my tippy toes to see the art on the wall. That, plus there’s usually a child crying, a couple fighting, a mom and daughter loudly debating the artist’s intention and just generally a lot of buzzing going around. That’s what happens when you get a large group of people together in one space! Not everyone can keep quiet at once!

But at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, USA, you have to keep it together! That means lips zipped, kids hushed and all comments saved for after, thank you very much!

And rightfully so. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a monument to all the unidentified fallen soldiers who gave their life for the sake of their country during the war. France has such a memorial, and so does the UK. It’s a sacred and solemn place to commemorate the unmarked men and women as a way to honor their service.

People who visit know they need to keep quiet. It’s already pretty silent, to begin with. There are soldiers there guarding the monument 24 hours a day, every day of the year in every kind of weather. They are there to serve as a reminder that even though their fellow soldiers remain unnamed, they will never be forgotten. Their service will always be appreciated, and there is still someone to guard their tombs, regardless of any other occasion, time of day, and weather.

So when people forget to be quiet, it’s a sign of disrespect. It’s not tolerated, and it’s common knowledge for everyone to remain silent. In this video, you can hear some rustling among the crowd. There’s some laughter, a few giggles and a baby crying amongst the low murmur of people making comments and whispering. There’s definitely a dull roar, and it’s at this point that the Sentinel calls everyone out by saying, “It is requested that everyone maintain an atmosphere of silence and respect at all times!” This request was followed by complete silence. The Sentinel broke his code of conduct to keep everyone in line! While this is known to happen, it’s very rare!

Click below to watch this rare occurrence take place and watch the effects!

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