Bride Is Baffled When Groom Says “No” At Altar. Then He Breaks Down, Fumbling For Explanation.

There’s nothing more special than the bond a couple shares. When you think of spending a lifetime together, nothing that can come in the way. After all the years of building a trusting and loving relationship, all the time shared, moments created, and the depth and breadth of the bond you’ve forged, all you can think of is how special your life will be together. With that said, the last thing on your mind is having your significant other leave you at the altar.

It’s every bride and/or groom’s nightmare to make it this far, and be so close to opening a new chapter together, only to have it dissolve right before your eyes–and the eyes of every family member, friend and guest in attendance at your ceremony!

Paul and Wendy have made it to their big day. They’ve put in the time and effort and have grown their love, ready to tie the knot and seal the deal. They are standing in front of the officiate, and in front of everyone that they know and love, facing each other and about to say the words.

The marriage officiate is standing with her book open, as she looks at Paul and asks, “Do you, Paul Marsden, take Wendy Lock to be your lawful, wedded wife, and promise to support and care for her throughout your future life together?” The groom stares into the bride’s eyes, and flat out says, “No.”

Ok, now imagine yourself in her shoes. Complex feelings of pain, shame, confusion, sorrow, anger, would all be flooding upwards from the depths of her being. It’s sharp, and it comes up fast, in the form of a nervous laugh as she processes what just happened. Even the crowd reflects her nerves by mirroring her strange laugh. Everyone hangs suspended, eagerly waiting for Paul to follow up.

The emotionally distraught groom takes a deep breath and exhales loudly with emphasis. He looks uncomfortable and not ready to say what he needs to say. It’s going to be big, everyone can feel it. Everyone is waiting for it. The bride is holding her breath hoping the love of her life comes to his senses.

“No…” he continues, and this is where he literally breaks down, slurring his words while crying and sobbing, “…not only do I say you’re my wife…but I also say my lover, my soul mate and my partner for life. And also my best friend.” Wendy doesn’t waste a moment. She leans over to grab him and hug him, and they embrace with a kiss. “Don’t be silly,” she says. He collects himself and they carry on. Whew! Glad they’re still going ahead with full steam. Hopefully, they can laugh about this years down the road.

Click the video below to watch this couple get married and get on with the next step in their love story!

Source: FaithTap

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