Groom Thought His Best Man Was Deployed Until He Ends Up Surprising Him On His Wedding Day

There’s something very special about being asked to be the best man of your pal on his wedding day. It’s an honor that no man can explain. Call it a symbol of a strong friendship, if you will, but just the title alone seems like a victory, like you’ve won something or earned a special place in someone’s life that no other person can take.

When A.J. White was asked to be the best man at Steven and Lauren Marec’s wedding, he was thrilled. But then bad news rolled around: A.J., who’s apart of the U.S. Army, received the memo two months prior to the wedding that he would soon be deployed. Although Steven would have plenty of time to find another best man to replace A.J., it was something he didn’t want to do, perhaps because he knew nobody could ever replace his best friend.

But it’s a good thing Steven decided not to opt for a replacement best man because a couple of days before the big day, A.J. found out his deployment would be delayed. Perfect timing, right?

A.J. could have informed Steven and his soon-to-be-bride about the delay. However, he decided to hold it off until the day of the wedding to surprise them!

So, on the day of the wedding, Steven arrived in uniform. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Marec,” A.J. said as his best friend and his new wife were walking down a path near the rest of the groomsmen while getting professional pictures taken.

“Bro!” Steven exclaimed as he gasped and was nearly swept off his feet. He definitely did not see that coming.

Steven burst into tears before giving A.J. a big, brotherly bear hug. It looks like the love between Steven and Lauren wasn’t the only beautiful, public display of affection at the wedding!

Everyone else at the event, too, was stunned to see that A.J. was able to make it. Lovely Bride Lauren’s jaw dropped, and other wedding attendees laughed, both in disbelief and partially because they were so happy that the best man was able to be the best man after all.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that A.J. received the deployment delay just two days before the big day. It’s like the universe or a greater power wanted him to be there to support his closest pal as he entered married life. It was something both A.J. and Steven wanted but never thought would be possible.

Watch a video of the surprise going down below. I won’t lie; I got teary-eyed while watching! It’s a short clip filled with a whole lot of emotion.

Source: ABC News

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