Grandpa Wants To Wire Transfer $2,300 To Grandson, But Walmart Cashier Refuses To Help

When family or close friends are in danger, one has the instinct to provide the physical and monetary support necessary quickly. It is only natural for us to want to help others who are in need.

When a senior man, Cecil Rogers, was informed via phone by an attorney that his grandson was involved in a severe car wreck, he was immediately driven to pay up the $2,300 that would be required to help save him. Shortly after the phone call, Cecil went to his bank and then to Walmart to wire the money over with no further thought. 

However, after he went to transfer the money with the help from Walmart cashier Audrella Taylor, something told her that this situation didn’t seem right — it looked like a typical scam. Audrella asked Cecil if the attorney contacted his grandson’s mother or if the grandson had gotten in direct contact with him? Cecil replied “no” to both. These answers were her first warning sign; another red flag was that the attorney told Cecil not to inform anybody else in his family about what had happened.

But, immediately after Audrella had a conversation with Cecil, he realized that the call was, in fact, a scam. It was the woman’s right judgment that helped him keep his $2,300.

While Cecil ended up lucky in this situation, not everyone is. It is estimated that up to 4 million people get scammed each year, whether that be through phone calls, e-mails, letters in the mail, social media, advertisements, or via other sources. Prize-winning, arrest, and IRS tax scams are all very common; the elderly are often the most common target.

Overall, it is essential that we are all aware of scams and use rational thinking through fishy situations like the Walmart cashier in this story.

Watch the video below to learn more about Audrella’s good deed! (We truly need more people like her in the world.)

Source: Shareably

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