Before Park Mak-Rye became a YouTube sensation in South Korea, she thought her life was over at 70-years-old. Since her newfound fame has kicked off, she takes back what she said, now believing that her life has started at 71.
Park started making videos at the request of her 27-year-old granddaughter Kim Yura, simply to help preserve her memory in case she ever started to develop dementia – something that runs in the family.
Park’s first video was a vlog of her trip to Australia with Kim, where they had fun exploring, tasting, touring and discovering new sights and sounds. The video garnered a fan base, her following increasing with each passing day, fans adoring Park for her lust for life and sunny disposition.
Kim says of her grandmother, “My grandmother [is] just like us. She likes to travel, eat tasty food and take pretty photos.” Kim quit her job to help Park with producing and keeping up-to-date with her social media.
Despite the fact that Park is unable to read or write at an advanced level, she is constantly updating her Instagram account. And when she’s not filming or updating, she’s running the diner she’s owned for decades.
Park posts videos of herself recreating the looks of celebrities, most notably Amy Winehouse. But her most popular makeup look so far? It’s the “Going to the Dentist and Market Makeup Look,” bringing in over 2 million views!
She feels very grateful that she’s been so well received by a younger audience, and is grateful to have fans travel across the country to tell her how much they like her!
Click below to see this grandma in action.