When you think of “Grandma,” you probably have a certain picture in your head. You might see a little old lady who wears a shawl and likes to drink tea. She never forgets to send you a birthday card, and when you come to visit, she always has tea and freshly baked cookies.
But, it’s important to remember that all of those “Grandmas” were once young women, too. Most of them are still young women at heart. Just ask to see “Grandma’s” photographs and ask her a little bit about her life.
Fortunately, and maybe it’s just because I’m older now, that picture in my head about what it means to be a Grandma is changing. My mom is a proud grandmother, with her oldest grandchild close to graduating high school. But she works, she’s active, and she arguably has a better social life than I do. Modern women of all ages are doing their best just to be whoever they are, no matter what their age. It’s no longer fit into a certain mold when you reach a particular stage in your life.
The Grandma in this video is happy to show the entire world that age is just a number. She was probably dancing to the latest songs when she was younger, and now that she had has grandkids of her own, she’s dancing right along with them!
In the clip below, Grandma lines up in a row with her granddaughter Sianna and her daughter-in-law, Rebecca. The trio waits, backs to the camera, then “Watch Me” by Silento starts playing. As the most recognizable part of the song comes on, they turn around and begin their routine.
Grandma shows off that she can whip and nae nae with the best of them as she performs an epic routine. Watch the video below!