Granddaughter Sings To Grandma With Dementia

When dementia strikes a loved one, it’s a challenging chapter in the book of life. Watching someone who you know slowly change attitude, and behavior and say things that don’t make sense or forget how to do everyday tasks, is painful. It can be hard to cope with a close friend or family member slipping off into dementia. However, studies show that music is a wonderful healing tool that helps to rekindle some memories or, at the very least, help keep the person in the moment.

This granddaughter came to visit her grandmother and sing her a song from the heart. When she came beside grandma, who’s all wrapped up and cozy in her blankets in the nursing home, the granddaughter asked if she’s ready, to which she replied, “It’s going to be lovely, and I can’t wait!”

Grandma is still a little chatty, saying a few words to the camera person when the young woman starts. She’s singing “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, and she now has grandma’s full attention, looking at her straight on, head tilted and completely engrossed in her granddaughter’s heartfelt words. She sings with so much love for this woman!

She sings the song from start to finish, and grandma is beyond touched. There was a true moment of connection, and she even tried to sing along with her granddaughter multiple times. She ends her song with a big kiss, as grandma says, “Lovely, lovely, lovely!” This is truly an inspiring, intergenerational moment that transcends this world! What a touching thing to do!

Click below to watch this lovely serenade. Grab tissues!

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