What’s your favorite pass time when you’re at home? Do you like to just lounge around and read a book? Snuggle with your pet and watch some TV? Or, maybe it’s gardening? Whatever it is, you know that this time alone gives you some much-needed relaxation and you’re appreciative of being able to steal those me-time moments from the day before you get busy with life again. Right?
For me, my favorite pass time at home is cooking. I love food and my kitchen! The kitchen is seriously a peaceful place for me to get in some me-time as well as make delicious food for my family; I put on some good music and get to work trying different recipes, or family-favorites that we’re craving — it depends on the night! [googled2]
To be honest, there aren’t many things that can stop me from being in the kitchen in my free time. If there is something, then the only thing that can come in between my quality time in the kitchen and me is the invasion of nasty fruit flies and gnats!
I try my hardest to store fruits and vegetables in a way that they won’t attract any flies in the house, but I’m sure we all know that THAT is almost inevitable! They will come and go as they please. But, there has to be a way to get rid of them, right? Right!
There are so many store-bought sprays that you can alternatively try. I can’t guarantee that they’ll be a permanent fix, but they sure provide temporary relief. But, why buy products from the store if you know that they’re a temporary solution to the problem? Here’s a quick tip to help you save those extra bucks, while making your gnat and fruit flies killer, right at home.
This project will be a fun DIY task, and it only takes a couple of products that you probably have at home already.
All you need for this project are listed below:
- dish detergent
- apple cider vinegar
We’ve talked about apple cider vinegar being versatile and trusted around the house, so needless to say that it comes to the rescue again!
Do you have other DIY solutions to get rid of gnats and pesky flies from around the house? Tell us about them in the comments!
Click on the link below to see how to turn these products into your handy gnat/fruit fly killer, in no time!