When was the last time you went golfing? One of the first and most recent golfing memories you may have acquired was the geese present, right? Geese sure do love golf courses.
One golfer, Ryan Witkowski, was partaking in a charity golf tournament in South Florida. It was during this tournament that he decided to hit the “record” button when he spotted something a little unusual going on — the incident involves a group of honking geese.
As Ryan was ready to shoot his ninth hole, some geese were making a lot of commotion, and he wasn’t able to concentrate. That’s when he thought it would be a good idea to find out what was going on. To his surprise, the geese were honking at, and following an alligator! Yes, an alligator.
I don’t know about you, but if this man were to tell me that he spotted geese chasing a big, ole scary alligator, I wouldn’t have believed him! Even after watching the video of the odd situation, I still couldn’t believe my eyes.
I mean, isn’t it ironic that a tiny group of soft, feathery birds were brave enough to follow an 80-toothed, oversized lizard? The alligator continued to escape despite the obvious difference in size and capabilities between the two species. That right there is what made this video viral so quickly.
Then again, most of us are aware that geese are quite aggressive. (If you’re like me, you have firsthand experiences with the aggressive tendencies of these enlarged birds.)
One man in the video even states that when geese have young around, they tend to be even more aggressive.
Nevertheless, the video gave me a good laugh, but I’m still rubbing my eyes to see if that’s truly what I just watched!
Do you need to see it to believe it? Then watch the video clip below for yourself! Then let us know what you think.