Sometimes it takes a few tries before you get it done right. They say third time’s a charm for good reason! You have to know what you’re doing, see how it feels, gather your bearings, then do it with flying colors. Rarely, does anyone ever hit it out of the park the first time! Some do, most don’t and it’s through failure we learn how to succeed.
This little girl is a living testament. Not only does she hilariously have a bit of difficulty trying to wrap her head around what she’s supposed to do, in the end, it’s her way of doing it that blows everyone away!
The video opens to the little girl’s Taekwondo demo in Puerto Rico. She is 3-years-old and adorably decked out in her uniform, barefoot on the floor in the center of the gym. She’s with her teacher who is leading her through the demo where she’s instructed to break a clipboard in front of her classmates. Except there’s one little problem, they’re having trouble understanding each other – and it is so adorably precious.
The instructor is trying to convey to the girl what she needs to do, which is to lift her foot and smash it through the clipboard balancing on the supports. There’s a little confusion, however, because the girl is doing exactly what the teacher does, but missing the point. She’s an excellent student and mimics her teacher perfectly but she’s not putting together all the steps, making for a lot of laughs. No one is laughing at her, everyone is laughing with her because she is undeniably comedic.
The girl gets what she’s being asked to do with a little help from other instructors, as she’s guided into the action. But, it gets even better. She doesn’t quite have the strength to do it with her foot, so she resorts to a better way of getting the job done! Drastic times call for drastic measures, and she changes her mind at the last minute and pulls a fast one. Her quick thinking has everyone in hysterics. Dad behind the camera can’t contain his laughter and none of the instructors saw it coming. She is one tough little fighter that I wouldn’t want to come face-to-face with in a few years!
Click below to see her move that’s got everyone cracking up.