Little Girl Proves Doubtful Judges Wrong With Operatic Song Choice

In the U.S., “America’s Got Talent” is a very popular television talent show. People of all ages and walks of life audition in front of a panel of judges in hopes of making it to the live shows, where the television audience ultimately votes on a winner.

Because of its popularity, the show has made its way to many other countries, where they produce their version of the show. The format works well and remains pretty much the same. No matter what country, the show and judges are lucky to discover completely unknown talent. 

That’s exactly what happened in an audition episode of “Holland’s Got Talent.” A 9-year-old girl takes the stage. Amira Willighagen looks like most young girls her age and the judges assume that she will have prepared an audition that fits. But, she surprises everyone when she reveals what she intends to sing.

It’s not just that she wants to sing for the judges, but that she plans to perform a well-known opera song, Puccini’s “O Mio Babbino Caro” from the opera “Gianni Schicchi.” The looks on the judges’ faces say it all — they don’t believe for a second that this little girl can accomplish such a huge feat.

Amira politely explains that her brother plays the violin and she wanted to do something too, so she looked up some opera videos on Youtube. Then, she taught herself to sing them. This, in itself, is practically unbelievable. Most opera singers spend years practicing and learning their craft.

But, as soon as Amira opens her mouth and begins to sing, all of the skepticism leaves the room and is replaced by this tiny child’s huge, stunning voice. She gave a perfect performance and was rewarded with a Golden Ticket, which allowed her to go straight from auditions to the semi-finals.

Watch Amira’s performance in the video below!

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