Nervous Girl Belts Out “Annie” Classic

I have never been a singer. Sure, I can sing in the bathroom at the top of my lungs, while no one is listening. But, when it comes to singing in front of a crowd, I think I would freeze. Just the thought of getting up on stage and facing hundreds of people is terrifying. There’s no way I’d be able to belt out a song.

I’m an adult and feel this way. But, I am always amazed by the way some children get on stage and start performing like they’ve been doing this for years. Children can be so confident and take off all their layers of nerves and shyness when they’re really passionate about something.

Performing onstage, auditions, even spelling bees, all of these are nerve-wracking when you’re the one in the spotlight, and you have to perform on cue. Although it gets easier with time and practice and lots of experience – and even then there’s no guarantee you won’t have butterflies in your stomach – the first few times for a child are filled with doubt and worry. Will I be liked? Will I make it through without messing up? Will I be well-received?

You never know what the outcome will be, so all there is to do is your best! And that’s precisely what 10-year-old Mathea-Mari from Norway did when she chose to sing “Tomorrow,” from the musical “Annie,” for her audition for the role of the red-headed leading lady.

Mathea-Mari one day wants to become a professional singer and is doing everything in her power to get herself there, starting with a bang on audition. She coyly makes her way on stage, holding her microphone. The music begins, and her voice is soft and quiet. Mathea-Mari is nervous as she begins the song, her vocals sounding unsure and unsteady.

Once she feels a little more warmed up vocally and feels more comfortable in front of the large crowd ahead of her, something changes. She’s able to access the power she has inside. The best part is when she’s fully gained confidence in her voice and herself, and pulls the microphone away from her face and projects loudly, clearly and with heartfelt intention! Not only has she moved the audience, but she’s moved, realizing her full potential. This is total girl power!

Click below to watch Mathea-Mari breathe new life into the oldie but goldie “Annie” classic!

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