Cute Sheep Busts Some Dance Moves

When the happy mood strikes, you have to listen! Like when someone texts you a good piece of news or that email response you’ve been waiting on finally comes through. Maybe a kind stranger who hands you a flower or an extra bag of chips falling out of the vending machine can brighten your mood, too. Whatever it is that puts a little (or a lot of!) spring in your step, you’ve got to express it! It’s in this moment that your happy dance usually kicks in — in all honesty, what good is a happy dance if you keep it all in anyway?

If you need a little bit of inspiration, then we’ve got just the video for you. Meet Gabbie, this sheep is adorably plump and full of life! She’s white with beautiful black markings across her body and belly that make her stand out from the rest. And her personality? Well, this sheep shines like a million-watt light bulb. Her excitement and joie-de-vivre are unparalleled.

I can’t help but feel joy when I look at this bouncy ball of fluff. Gabbie is putting on a show, and she’s the star! She’s doing what she wants, expressing herself and her emotions because she feels like it. Even mom can’t stop her! At one point, her owner asks, “Are you ok?” but then continues to giggle and crack up. The sheep continues hopping and skipping, not a care in the world and totally oblivious to her mom’s distant concern.

Near the middle of the video, she jumps up high and it looks like she even clicks her hooves (Gabbie’s mom is killing herself laughing…) before falling and rolling over, making it look like she meant to do that. This sheep is a total charmer and loves the camera! She carries on a little longer, before losing interest and walking over to mom. Poor baby looks exhausted as she starts to slow down asking for hugs and kisses, and a nice little chin rub. The show’s done for now, but her energy and good vibes are infectious long after!

Does your pet do something similar? What does his/her happy dance look like? Share their stories with us in the comments because we’d love to read about them!

Click below to watch Gabbie’s happy dance. It’ll make you want to do one too — go ahead, we’re not judging!

Source: FaithTap

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