When eight young men take the stage, dressed sharply in suits, complete with matching striped ties and blazers, it’s apparent that they are about to give a performance. Their expressions match their outfits, and everything seems very serious. At first glance, you would assume they are going to perform an old classic.
In fact, this acapella group does tackle a familiar classic in their routine, but it’s probably not what you would expect. To everyone’s delight, they decide to sing “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. Their unique performance is a hilarious must-see.
“Bohemian Rhapsody” has been used for all sorts of funny performances, including the lip-syncing car driving scene from “Wayne’s World.” My friends and I have certainly recreated the scene a time or two but, we were much different from the group singing in this video. Most importantly, we are terrible singers, and the guys in this video are terrific!
But, regardless of your skill, I know that we can’t be alone in recreating a couple of scenes from this popular movie! It can be in all seriousness or just for the mere joy of killing some time and getting a few laughs out of it — you’ll always have a good time making your own versions of the song — or any other, for that matter!
With that said, do you want to know how these young men recreated the classic and put their own spin on it? Then don’t forget to click on the next page and watch the video!
I’ve listened to multiple renditions of “Bohemian Rhapsody” but I don’t think anything comes this close to being hilarious, as the video shared below! I love how the guys start out, almost huddled in a group — it makes you wonder what they’re up to!
Then they part into a large group, spread across the stage. That’s when the performance actually starts, and the crowd is blown away!
This fun, energetic performance gives them a platform to show off their excellent singing chops and their personalities. “Bohemian Rhapsody” is such a dynamic song with lots of opportunities for fun and humor, and I’m thrilled that these guys were able to use that to their advantage.
On the one hand, they appear like a traditional acapella group — they use only their voices and harmonies to produce the music. They have a classic style when it comes to their voices, but their choreography and stage performance are very contemporary. This balance allows them to show off their singing talent, but also to entertain the audience. It’s clear that the crowd is enjoying it. There’s laughing and cheering; watching from home, I couldn’t stop cracking up.
Watch their epic performance in the video below and please like and share!