Man Shops At Garage Sale, Looks Under The Table And Immediately Feels Something Isn’t Right

When parents have garage sales, it’s almost a given that the majority of the stuff they want to sell, or get rid of, is that of their children. When children outgrow their phases of collector cards, certain shoes, and jerseys, it’s only best to try to recoup some of the money and sell these things off to someone who may be interested.

Gaging from Sue’s garage sale, it’s clear that there were kids in her home, too. These very kids don’t want their belongings anymore — one of those being the bat in question.

Since baseball is a popular sport for boys, it’s obvious that there were probably many young boys who played with this bat, hoping to score that homerun they were keenly anticipating. But these kids didn’t know that the bat they played with all along belonged to baseball legend Jackie Robinson.

Bruce says, “The unique grip of the bat was Jackie Robinson’s style.” But it wasn’t just the grip that told Bruce this was Jackie’s bat. He took the prized possession over to Sue and asked her for a pencil. He then rubbed the pencil over the wood to show her the place where the baseball star had engraved his name.

Click on the link below and watch the full story unfold!



Source: FaithTap

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