Woman Offers Frog Water To Drink And He Jumps Into It

The summer months are amazing. You get to step out into the sun and heat wearing your favorite tank top and shorts. You can walk around the street with an ice cream in hand, enjoying the cold of the sweet treat while the temperatures are soaring around you. It’s important to stay cool and hydrated when you’re out in warm temperatures and having a beverage or ice cream is a great way to do it.

Although we humans have many ways of staying cool, it gets tough for the animals (our pets and those in the wild) to do the same. They can’t drink cocktails, ice water, or have a popsicle to keep cool. So, what do they do?

A lot of our pets prefer to stay indoors in extreme temperatures. The AC inside helps their own temperature remain regulated. If they’re outdoors, then it’s best to keep them under the shade and away from the sun’s rays. The heat isn’t safe for the animals.

Now, our pets have a couple of ways to stay cool, but the animals that roam around with no owner and no home don’t have a choice but to hide in shady nooks and crannies to beat the heat. One such example is the cute frog in the video below.

A kind woman offered a little stray frog some water out of a water bottle cap. The heat index was 110 degrees and she knew that this little guy could use some hydrating. The woman filled up the cap just enough for the frog to sip from and took it to him. You can see that the frog looks at the water for a quick second — perhaps he’s wondering what to do next. Then, without any further thought, the adorable animal jumps right into the water. He starts soaking in the little bit of water that is there.

The woman was surprised to see this happen. but it was a cute sight to see. It’s quite clear that the frog needed a dip in the water more than he needed a drink. Well, whatever floats his boat, as long as he’s happy and safe from the grueling temperatures.

What do you and your pet do to beat the heat and enjoy the day? Tell us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you?

In the meantime, don’t forget to click below and watch this frog take a dip in the water bottle cap pool!

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