14 Flowers That Don’t Resemble Flowers At All

Mother Nature is the ultimate designer. She’s got all types of flora and fauna that range from the mundane to exotic and strange. Just when we think we’ve seen it all, there she goes creating something incredible, like these flowers that defy imagination!

Maybe you’re used to seeing a bouquet of roses or a vase stuffed with bright yellow daffodils. While these are gorgeous, the following flowers take on a personality unlike their own. They tell a little story that goes beyond what they are – flowers! Here are 14 blooms that will make you do a double take, they’re so surreal!

14. The White Egret
This orchid bloom is very birdlike! A beak and open wings are giving the impression that the white egret orchid (Habenaria Radiata) is about to take flight! Even the bottom two white petals provide the egret a majestic looking tail. This is one regal flower bird.

13. Tiny Dancer
The ballerina orchid (Caladenia Melanema) is another one, and it looks like a teeny tiny dancer! The two lower sepals look like the skirt while the two narrow petals lift up to look like the ballerina’s lifted arms.

12. The Spaceship Has Landed
This orchid looks like it just landed from outer space. It resembles an alien (Calceolaria Uniflora), and it wants to take you it’s leader!

11. Quack! Quack!
If the flying duck orchid (Caleana Major) could make sounds, it would sound like a duck. This orchid takes on the shape of a flat bill and round head at the top before curving down into the little body of said duck!

10. A Dove Inside
Can you see what’s in between the petals of the Peristeria Elata? Its white appearance and subtle specks show that there’s a dove inside, wings open and ready to fly out!

9. Angels Amongst Us
A little piece of heaven on earth, the Habenaria Grandifloriformis appears to be white veiled angels coming through the parting of the clouds to land here with us!

8. Scary Skulls
This specific kind of snapdragon (Antirrhinum) is in the ghostly shape of a head. There’s no denying that these blooms look like colorless, floating skulls.

7. Parrots Without Pirates
The delicate, and brightly colored parrot flower (Impatiens Psittacina) takes on the profile of the bird, from its head to its body and tail. And the way the stem is attached makes the flower look like it’s flying, suspended in the air.

6. Cute Little Creature!
See the eyes and big smile? And what does that black and yellow pattern remind you of? The bumblebee orchid (Ophrys bomybliflora) is really happy to see you, and looks like it’s wearing an outrageous hat!

5. Lip Smackers
The hot lips plant (Psychotria Elata) is bright red and looks like a big pair of plump lips! They’re only this kissable for a while before they spread open to reveal the plant’s flowers.

4. Manly Flower
Nature’s got a little humor with this one! The naked man orchid (Orchis Italica) says it all. There are a head, all four limbs and a wee bit of manhood for good measure.

3. Rising Through The Flower

Known as a phoenix orchid (Cymbidium), this flower is exactly that, the vibrantly colored mythological creature as it is emerging from the flames. Head, eyes, beak, wings, extended tail and all! You have to see this one to believe it.

2. Something Inside
Bulbous, and with a little cubby inside, the tulip orchid (Anguola) is large, fragrant and looks like it’s got a baby cocooned within it!

1. Playful Primates
These orchids can’t stop monkeying around – because that’s what they look like! The monkey orchid (Dracula Simia) has an adorable, grinning face and long extensions that hang down.

What are your thoughts on the flowers above? Will any of them make it into your garden this spring? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Shareably

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