Dog Helps Firefighters Pull Down Tree

As a firefighter, you’re expected to be tough. You have to have a certain amount of strength and fearlessness. You are, after all, the first responder, showing up to the scene before you get it under control. And, while not every call involves imminent danger literally fighting fires and rescuing women and children from the second story, each day on the job is never the same. There will always be something new to tackle!

So, when this particular crew got a call to come in and help out at a house, they rose to the occasion, but so did an unsuspecting helper!

A crew of six firefighters packed into the truck to make their way to the house immediately. There wasn’t a fire or medical emergency, there was, however, a tree that needed to be taken down before it fell. It could have potentially caused damage to the house and the surrounding property. This isn’t the kind of thing they’re normally called for, but they knew it had to be done and someone had to do it!

One firefighter is right at the base of the tree, sawing it down, while the other five are holding the rope that’s secured to the trunk. The rope is taut and the crew is ready to act should the tree fall any which way. They are all steadfast, and ready to pull or release, but the tree isn’t really moving. It’s been severed but it remains stubborn.

They’re pulling and pulling as the sounds of laughter from the back are getting louder. There’s a hum of giggles, as the last firefighter looks back to see what the commotion is about. His initial thought is probably that they aren’t pulling hard enough, and onlookers are laughing at their wasted effort. One look back proves that that isn’t the case!

The camera pans from the tree, past the fighters to a funny dog way at the back of the line pulling the rope – with all his might and with his teeth! He’s a one-team player, trying to help out as best he can! And it’s hilarious. One by one, each of the firefighters looks back to see what everyone is fussing over, and the dog just totally steals the show!

Click below to watch this pup live out his dreams of one day maybe becoming a firefighter!

Source: ShareTap

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