Photo Of Fire Fighters Resurfaces As They Battle Fires In California

Natural disasters aren’t something you can run from, you never know when they’re going to strike and at times, it’s a matter of mere minutes before the disaster destroys everything in its path. It’s a devastating turn of events — one moment you’re going about your normal day, the next, you’re forced to evacuate. It’s heartbreaking.

Something similar happened to thousands of people in the wake of the recent wildfires that engulfed California. The fire has reportedly claimed 48 lives, and thousands of people have been taken from their homes without any hope of returning. People are praying that the fire spares their land, but not many have been lucky.

While citizens run away from the devastating situation, firefighters and first responders are battling the ordeal head on. These men and women have come to the forefront to fight the fires, taming the flames and helping restore whatever can be salvaged amidst the wildfires. They’re the last hope millions of people have in a time like this one.

We have seen many pictures doing the rounds in which firefighters are pushed up against the flames, trying to extinguish whatever they can. It’s heartbreaking to see what peoples’ land and properties are going through and to understand that many of them have lost their homes forever. But, it’s also commendable to see that these first responders are putting their lives on the line for those in need of help.

Of course, many will say that it is their job, and a firefighter must go wherever he/she is called, but the choice is always theirs, to begin with. Firefighters know what they’re signing up for when they take on the role, but to actually be put in a position that can be life-threatening is something completely unimaginable and you only understand what it’s like when you’re put through it.

Just as thousands of people flee their homes in California, thousands of firefighters and first responders are spilling in to help. And, it’s a strenuous job. It goes without saying that there is a lot of physical energy involved in this task, so a break is necessary.

Another photo that has gone viral is the one shared below. One fire department shared a picture of what happens when these firefighters get to take a break, leave the burning area, and away from the heat. They’re covered in soot but heavily in need of a nap.

It’s never an option to invite these firefighters into our homes to give them some shelter, their jobs don’t allow them to accept any such offer. But, what we can do is donate generously to a department that works so hard to keep others safe.

The vice president of California Fire Local 2881, Darren Dow, recommends cash donations. He told TIME that “[a] lot of times cash donations are better because they can actually utilize those dollars for specific needs rather than taking away some manpower.”

We hope that the wildfires in California are tamed and extinguished as quickly as possible, and wish the residents and first responders the best of luck. Thank you to all the medical and emergency officials that are on the scene helping everyone through the tough times.

Click on the link below to see how one father consoles his daughter as the family escapes the wildfires.

Source: FaithTap

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