Nervous Girl Shakes Her Fears And Belts Out Song

I think one of the secrets to life, simply put, is mind over matter. We make things so much bigger in our heads than what they actually are. For me, it started in school. If a big test was coming up, I’d dread it up until the day of the exam. Then I’d sit, look through it, write it and not think it was so bad. Or what about going to the dentist, the doctors or that big meeting that’s been looming over your head for months? All of these things are only as scary as we make them! It’s all in the head!

For 23-year-old Emma Jones, she’s a bucket of nerves as she steps on stage at “Britain’s Got Talent.” She’s got a lot on her mind, appearing to be fearful about being judged or not delivering a great performance. While chatting with Simon, she’s visibly nervous, and even stuttering a little bit. I can’t blame her, it happens to the best of us in minor situations. Here, this girl is about to perform in front of celebrity judges and millions of people who will be watching her worldwide.

But does she have what it takes? Can she get over herself and shine? Simon asks, “Are you nervous Emma?” At this point, the girl can’t even find the words, as she brushes her hair back. She’s even struggling to answer any of his simple questions, there’s so much doubt and worry. Simon bids her good luck, and the music starts. Emma’s eyes are watery and her lips fidgety, but she bravely marches forward. Her eyes are closed. She gathers herself and off she goes to wow the crowd.

Singing “Ave Maria,” Emma’s voice pours through angelically. She longingly looks on at the audience as she projects her voice, hitting every note perfectly and with emotion. At one point, she’s shaking so badly, she has to use her other hand to hold down the one that’s holding her microphone! Yet, she still has complete control over her voice – she’s shaking like a leaf, but her voice doesn’t crack.

The audience is very encouraging, clapping, and cheering and keen to see her gather herself together and succeed. Simon is smiling ear to ear, while the other judges look very pleased. Emma finishes her performance with a big smile, happy to have made it through with flying colors!

Click below to watch Emma muster her strength and courage to give a very beautiful performance.

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