Herd Of Elephants Play In The Rain

Gene Kelly first said it in 1952, and he’s been singing in the rain ever since! And what an excellent attitude it is to adopt. Sure, the storm may sometimes come down heavy and hard, or appear out of nowhere on what was a sunny day, but it’s the message that stands strong. Remembering that this too shall pass, and knowing that sunshine is in the heart! Or more pragmatically, just take it for what it is, because on a sunny day, there’s nothing better than a nice cool refreshing shower. And if it’s not bright, and you’re stuck inside? Then it’s the perfect excuse to be productive indoors – or turn on Netflix.

No matter how you slice it, these elephants embrace the gray in every way possible! A break from the heat of the sun is their chance to cool down in the rain.

This video was snapped at the Save Elephant Foundation’s Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand, starring in what the video has been titled, “Have You Ever Seen The Rain?” At first, the elephants are all standing around in their herd taking in the change of weather. Only seconds later are they seen dropping, one by one, to roll around in the slick, dewy grass or thick, oozing mud. These elephants are having the best time in the rain, ever!

It’s so lovely to watch because this is a sanctuary. Each one of these elephants has rescued and freed from labor, and the only expectation is for them to wander and continue living out their lives. Their only job now is to simply enjoy the pleasures of life. Like rain.

Click below to watch the delightful montage of these friendly giants enjoying the simpler things in life.

Source: Re

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