Elderly German-Danish Couple Meet Daily At The Border During The Pandemic

The C*********s has taught us a lot so far, but if anything, it has taught the most about the value of love. No longer will we take time spent with loved ones for granted or downplay the love that they have shown us in the past. We now realize how big of a role our family members, friends, and romantic interests played in our lives, especially now that many of us are quarantined away from the people we love.

Although the pandemic has had a major impact on how couples can see one another, what it didn’t do was destroy the bond between one elderly couple. Despite the German-Danish border being shut down during the C*********s back in mid-March, 89-year-old Karsten Tüchsen Hansen and 85-year-old Inga Rasmussen found a way to continue going on dates: by meeting daily at the border.

Each day, Rasmussen drives from her South Denmark home to the border in her Toyota Yaris. Hansen, on the other hand, rides from his North Germany residence on his electric bike to the location.

Once at the border (each staying on their designated side), Rasmussen sets up the table and chairs she brought. That way, the two lovers can sit a yard or few apart while enjoying a picnic meal or treat, drinks, and good conversations together. And Hansen brings a present to his lover every time they meet. This gives the couple a way to still maintain their relationship while following social distancing orders.

“We’re here because of love. Love is the best thing in the world,” Hansen, who has been with Rasmussen since two summers ago, said.

He couldn’t have said it better!

The duo’s love story all started when Hansen was on his way to drop off flowers to another widowed Danish woman who he had known for decades. But after meeting Rasmussen for the first time at a strawberry stand, he decided to skip the surprise visit to the other woman’s house and give the bouquet to Rasmussen instead. After the incident, the two had dinner together in Germany, and the rest has been history!

“I never dreamed this would happen,” Rasmussen said.

Not only are Germans and Danish people encouraged to not inter-marry, making the relationship between Hansen and Rasmussen shocking, but both of them were widowed after being married for over six decades around the time they met. Neither of the two thought that they’d be back in the dating game at their stage in life. But sometimes the best relationships happen unexpectedly!

Although the two are definitely making things work, the pandemic has still had an effect on their relationship.

“The worst thing is we can’t embrace each other. We can’t kiss. We can’t make love,” Hansen said. However, he said that “if there’s respect and acceptance, then s*x is not so important.”

While it’s a challenge for the two lovers who are used to staying at one another’s houses, the border dates make for a great compromise for the moment being.

“I think it brings people some hope, a little bit of light in the darkness. You have these elderly people who’ve found a way out,” said Henrik Frandsen, the mayor of a Denmark town.

Since their dates have been publicized, many have been inspired, including several news reporters. If there’s a will, there’s a way!

Meet the German-Danish couple below.

Source: NY Times

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