FedEx Driver Shovels Snow Off Customer’s Front Stoop Out Of The Goodness Of His Heart

I don’t know about you, but I personally believe delivery drivers don’t get enough recognition for what they do and how hard they work. When it comes to companies like FedEx, customers are too focused on making sure their packages arrive on time that they forget to say “thank you” to their local delivery driver when they safely plop their goodies on their doorstep. Yet, these employees are constantly hustling and bustling too much not to receive a little appreciation.

Kindergarten teacher, Jodi LaFreniere, however, has good things to say about a recent FedEx driver she caught on video outside her Manistique, Michigan home. Although she wasn’t home at the time, she was surprised that upon looking back at the footage shot by her motion-sensored security doorbell system, the employee not only safely delivered her large package but also took his time shoveling snow off her front stoop!

LaFreniere says the kind act made her feel warm and happy feelings inside.

“Although we see many acts of kindness in the Upper Peninsula, yet it was still surprising to see that he went the extra step,” LaFreniere said in an interview with CNN. “I shared it with my coworkers immediately because I couldn’t believe it. It made my day.”

It turns out, the man behind the doorbell camera is Melvin J. Marlett who’s been working for FedEx for 23 years.

LaFreniere and her fiance have been getting packages delivered by Marlett for a while now. LaFreniere usually isn’t home to greet the delivery man, but her fiance would tell you that Marlett is a nice person to talk to. According to the viral video footage (don’t worry; LaFreniere asked for Marlett’s permission before posting it online), the staff member doesn’t only have a good attitude and great social skills, but he’s a hard worker, too, going above and beyond his job duties.

According to the FedEx employee, however, he was simply doing his job. He felt like shoveling his regular customer’s snow was the right thing to do and, really, the least a delivery worker should do to provide good service to customers.

“I would hope it’s something that anybody would have done,” Marlett said. “If you take care of your customers, they take care of you.”

Although I believe nobody should expect their local FedEx driver to whip out a snow shovel, I hope other deliver workers will be inspired by Marlett.

Watch the FedEx worker’s kind deed in action! The footage is down below for your viewing pleasure.

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