Beloved Dog Is Told Her Cancer Test Results And Family Gets Emotional

Watching your beloved pet wither from the usually spunky and mischievous animal they are, into a weaker, slower-moving version of their former selves is heartbreaking. And when their change in behavior is so fast and unexpected, and all of a sudden when every day counts between life or death, and you don’t know how much time you have left, or how severe the problem is, your world can change in a moment.

Lily the golden retriever was in a similar position when she wasn’t able to walk properly, her owners having to rush her to the emergency veterinarian’s office for immediate care. It was on this visit that they discovered a 6-pound canine tumor on her stomach, called hemangiosarcoma – the type of dog cancer that can come up out of nowhere and be fatal.

Upon hearing that Lily had two options, 1) remove the tumor with a 10% chance of surviving, or 2) put Lily to sleep, Lily’s owners chose the former. They pooled their money and decided to operate and take that hopeful chance, regardless of whether the odds were good or not. Even the operating veterinarian confessed that in all of her decades of practice, she had never seen a negative test result. Lily’s owners had to prepare for the worst.

And then they got the call with the results of the biopsy. It was news that was entirely different from what the veterinarian had said!

Click below to watch Lily’s mom break the news to Lily, whose reaction is absolutely uplifting. You can hear the excitement and pure joy of the family’s huge relief and sheer gratitude, knowing that they now have a happy and healthy pup still a part of the pack.


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