If you’ve ever had dogs that live together, especially siblings, then you know that dogs can form strong bonds and often become quite attached to one another. Surprisingly, dogs recognize and know other dogs, even after long stretches of time. They remember dogs that they don’t like, but more importantly, they remember dogs that are their friends.
Kaitlyn Hawkins and her partner were walking through Pike Place Market in Seattle, WA, when their puppy, Maui, started to pull them towards a strange dog. The other dog was a Golden Retriever like Maui. As soon as they approached, the other dog, Juniper, became equally excited and their humans figured they must know each other.
It turns out that the two adopted dogs were siblings, and were reuniting for the first time!
Pam Corwin, a vendor at Pike Place, saw the whole thing and filmed the heartwarming family reunion.
“I witnessed the coolest thing today,” she said. “I was at my booth at Pike Place Market, and two couples (who didn’t know each other) were walking towards each other with identical dogs. Suddenly, the dogs ran towards each other and went totally crazy. I went over to watch because it was so adorable, and as I stood there soaking up the love, the couples figured out that the dogs are siblings and came over on the same plane to be adopted from Russia a year ago!
“The dogs recognized each other! They even had identifying tattoos that confirmed it.”
“This joyful reunion went on for over a half an hour, in fact, they were still at it when I left the market. (I heard the couples exchanging phone numbers, so now they can have play dates, which made me very happy.)”
Hopefully, these reunited pups get to have lots of playdates in the future! Watch their heartwarming meeting in the video below and please like and share!