Dog Growls At His Reflection In The Mirror

I think it’s outrageously funny when animals are confounded by seemingly simple things, well, simple to us humans. Like how cats chirp and chatter when they are perched at the window watching birds fly by. Have you ever seen the circle experiment where you draw a circle on the ground and, like magic, cats come over and sit inside and don’t move? And what about when a dog hears a doorbell? It’s the same loud, freak out every time! Or how they tilt their head when they’re trying to untangle their understanding of a scenario. It’s just all so adorable!

Every pet, or any animal for that matter, has a different reaction to what us humans may find normal. To us, it’s fun to watch them get so flabbergasted at the sight of a laser light, or water in a pool that they can splash around in. For our furry friends though, these little things are what makes life so much fun. 

Yarn, laser lights, and water are all common scenarios you’ll find pets grappling with. But, ever tried adding a mirror to that list? Dogs tend to act really funny in front of them, and we have video proof! It’s either fight, flight, freeze or dance for these pups. You never know which one you’re going to get!

This funny dog has his guard up when he meets the reflective version of himself. Kane is a Dogue de Bordeaux and he’s not really used to seeing his handsome reflection in the mirror. He has no idea what to do now that he’s come face to face with himself. So he stands there, still and mighty, and growls. And growls. And growls some more.

How his owner doesn’t giggle is beyond me. His hand is still as he records Kane’s pensive look into the mirror, until the dog barks and the camera jolts. The owner was surprised by the unexpected bark, yet he remains focused on capturing the dog’s reaction. Kane is relentless as he stares at himself, fixated on this stranger standing before him. He holds his ground, not losing his temper or fighting. However, he does get progressively more agitated, and his growls become a little louder. His owner eventually cuts him off after a few minutes of the dog sizing himself up. It’s Kane Vs. Kane and both are winners in my books!

Click below to watch this hysterical video of two dogs in one!

Source: Reshareworthy

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