Depressed Dog Forms A Close Bond With A Duck

When a loved one dies, its rippling effects are devastating. One minute your loved one is there, and the next they’re not. Time stops and life feels empty. It’s hard to recalibrate and understand what’s happening around you. The grieving process is long and difficult and affects everyone differently.

This poor pup, George, was hit hard when his lifelong friend, B*****e, passed away. Owner Jacquie Litton says the two have been best friends for 12 years, spending time all their time together for as long as she could remember.

George became very depressed. “George has been heartbroken and has grieved with anxiety so bad that he has almost died twice,” says Jacquie. She goes on to explain how low he was and how he didn’t want to eat, had so much anxiety, and multiple skin infections from chewing himself.

Things were looking extremely bleak, until one day the lost soul was wandering around the property and met a duck! They bonded immediately, forming a friendship on the spot. No one has any idea where on earth this duck came from, but one thing is for sure, the unlikely friend has been a godsend. Since they met, Jacqie says George has quit whining, and he doesn’t follow her to her car looking sad.

The duck doesn’t leave his side and even cuddles with him when they’re sleeping. And as much as the duck is helping George, it seems like the bird was pretty lonely too. Where did he come from? Where’s his family? These two found each other in the most unlikely of places and circumstances, and they appear to both need each other. Such a sweet miracle!

It’s truly a gift when the universe seemingly does something that doesn’t make sense, like take a loved one away, only to replace their absence with something else. It might not always make sense. It might take us a while to understand, and honestly, maybe we’re not even meant to fully comprehend the mysterious ways of God or the universe. But knowing that there is something bigger than us and trusting that we are taken care of amidst the craziness we call life, sure does feel good. Whether you’re human or a dog, life has this funny way of helping you out when you least expect it.

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