When a family member falls ill or injures him/herself enough to end up in the hospital, you have to do your best to make sure that loved one is taken care of! In times of need, support and extra TLC are required for a speedy recovery and healing — family is family, after all, even if you’ve got fur!
In Taguatinga, Brazil, it was another day for a dog and his owner when suddenly both of their lives changed in an instant. The two are homeless, living on the streets in Brazil. According to reports, the owner suffered from epilepsy and had an attack. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Paramedics immediately showed up on the scene to pick up the man and drive him to the hospital. However, from the moment they put him on the stretcher, the ambulance had company.
The man’s dog followed the ambulance, chasing after it for several blocks! Paramedic Celiomar Ferreira do Couto, 42, who shot the footage on his phone, commented about how his entire team couldn’t believe the love, loyalty, and dedication shown by the pup for his owner. They were all truly touched by the event. “I’ve been doing this job for 19 years, and I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Celiomar. “Sometimes we arrive at the scene of an emergency, and there are pets around but they are too shy for us to get close to and they often run away. I have never seen this reaction in all my career.”
The dog is keeping up with the ambulance, running as fast as his little legs can take him! Once the vehicle stops, the dog slows down and appears to have a smile on his face. The crew lets him in, and the pup gets close to the stretcher where his owner is. When they finally arrive at their destination, the dog follows the stretcher, still maintaining close contact to the man, standing guard beside him, eagerly waiting for his human to be seen by a nurse – just like a family member would!
“We couldn’t believe how well-behaved the dog was,” Celiomar added. “It just sat quietly and patiently beside its owner. It didn’t even bark. The man was in and out of consciousness, but he could see his companion was right there with him on the way.” The man was later released and reunited with his loyal, furry companion.
Click below to see the footage of the dog chasing the ambulance in this adorable story of a man and his best friend.