Doctor’s Rude Comment Causes Patient To Break Down When He Removes Mask

Mary Glasure is literally in the middle of weighing the pros and cons of the most invasive form of cancer treatment – chemotherapy. She is in the doctor’s office with brochures and forms spread out on the table, mentally and physically preparing herself for how the next chapter of her life will unfold.

Understandably, she is pre-occupied. Her mind is filled with what-ifs and should-I’s, surrounded by a few friends and a doctor who isn’t very accommodating to her needs.

The video immediately opens to Mary elbow deep in her current state of affairs, trying to sift through her options, as the doctor makes a terribly insensitive passing comment, “I have a lunch appointment I need to get to, hurry up.” Mary loudly and awkwardly laughs and turns her head away from the doctor, just as he pulls down his face mask to reveal a familiar face – one that Mary hasn’t seen in two years.

Mary’s head turns to see her son’s face, and she breaks down, her own face in her hands and her head in her lap. She’s so shocked, it takes her moments to stand up and hug him. And when she finally does, she is beside herself in disbelief – tears of joy as they embrace and celebrate his homecoming.

Take a look at the video below to catch Mary’s dramatic reaction. Thankfully, that rude comment was just a part of the act!

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