Daughter Gets Reunited With Late Mother’s Wedding Dress Over 80 Years Later

I think finding something that you’ve lost or coming across something special that you’ve never had possession of before is one of the best feelings one could ever experience. This is especially true for sentimental items like an old photobook, a pair of earrings your lover bought you, or a souvenir from one of your first family vacations.

So, you could probably imagine the surprise Magdeline felt when she was given an old box that contained her deceased mother’s wedding dress.

But the wedding gown wasn’t something Magdeline just found one day on her own. In actuality, a man by the name of Rich Condon, who was going through his father’s stuff in October 2019 after he passed away from Stage IV throat cancer, when he spotted the box in the father’s home.

Up in the dusty attic was where Condon discovered the box with the dress.

“As I pulled the box from above, the paper quickly began to disintegrate, exposing a label: “Silverman’s Fourth Avenue and Ninth Street, New Kensington, PA.” Scribbled on the left-hand side of the box, “Married Wed. Aug. 18, 1937,” gave an approximate age to the discovery,” Condon said. “Upon opening, the container revealed a satin and lace wedding dress, a groomsman’s shirt, a bow tie, and a printed wedding cloth, as well as various memorabilia dating from 1934 to 1937.”

It was a neat finding, but it wasn’t too abnormal to find in an old home.

But then something weird happened.

On April 25, 2020 when Condon and his girlfriend were continuing to empty out the possessions from the home, a woman named Magdeline approached them. She asked if they were moving in or out of the home. When they explained the situation, Magdeline informed the couple that the house used to be her childhood home. Then she had it sold in 2009 when her father passed away. That’s when Condon’s father bought the home.

Condon’s girlfriend was especially touched by the news and had Magdeline check out the box containing the old wedding dress that they found in the attic. She figured it might possibly be one of Magdeline’s family member’s old possession. And it was.

“Old memories flooded Magdeline’s consciousness as she recognized the wedding dress that belonged to her late mother, laying alongside the groomsman’s shirt that was worn by her father so many years ago. A large smile spread across her face, accompanied by tears of joy.”

Now, Magdeline is back in touch with a very special piece near and dear to her heart: her late mother’s wedding dress.

The special reunion is all thanks to the kindness and consideration Condon and his girlfriend possessed. They could have tossed the item, gave it away, donated it to a secondhand shop, auctioned it off, gave it to a historical museum, or even kept it for themselves. However, the fact that they gave it back to the right person is such a beautiful and selfless thing.

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