Gymnast Performs Shiny Golden Ball Routine

There are many talents that gymnasts offer that often make them stand out from the rest. Examples include intense flexibility, gracefulness through every move they make, and the ability to perform several flips in a row, quickly and effortlessly (boy, I wish all that applied to me).

If you already think that gymnasts have some incredible talent, you’ll be stunned to watch the intriguing routine performed by Sochi, Russia-born gymnast, Daria Kondakova. This act happened during the 2011 World Championships in Montpellier, France, and it’s nothing short of awe-worthy.

At the 2011 competition, Daria confidently appeared on stage flaunting an off-white, gold-sparkled one-piece that suits her perfectly. Along with her was a golden ball. At first glance, many people were left wondering just what she would be doing with a ball during her gymnastics performance. Shooting some hoops? Playing soccer? Who knows!

At the beginning of her act, the gymnast is lying on the floor with her left shoulder blade leaning on the ball, ever so gracefully. As the music starts, the young woman begins her incredible performance. Using the ball as a prop, Daria pus on a fluid and elegant dance show. She slides the golden ball down several of her limbs and then catches it at the perfect time; she spins the ball and even throws the ball to catch it while it was still spinning. In short, Daria reveals many talents during this single performance. Need I say more?

We are used to gymnasts showing off with cartwheels, twirls, round-offs, walkovers, and handsprings. However, this professional definitely did something different. She incorporates gymnastic moves while implementing an effective and attention-grabbing prop that sparkles

Daria really owned her act and did it well. Even for those who aren’t into gymnastics, her routine may just change your mind! Now, I kind of wish I stuck to gymnastics and ballet instead of quitting both at such a ripe age.

Daria’s 2011 routine wasn’t her only incredible performance gone viral. The Russian gymnast won the gold at the 2006 Holon Junior Grand Prix and Calais International Tournament. Then she received silver in the 2009 World Championships and even more silver for her performances for the next two years. Of course, her 2011 routine is a favorite that still has viewers eyeing her act today.

To see Daria’s incredible 2011 performance, watch the video below! While you’re at it, let us know what you think in the comments!

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