Dad Gives Good Message To Little Girl Having A Temper Tantrum

Raising a tiny human is both equal parts challenging and rewarding. It’s humbling to know that you brought this kid into existence and now it’s up to you to raise this kid the best way you know how. They become a reflection of how you were raised and now is your chance to teach them all the good you know with the least amount of trauma. It’s about being able to sort through all the lessons and failures and success and mistakes that you and your partner know, in order to figure out the path of least resistance for your child.

Randy and Deceena Gaines found themselves in a teachable moment with their daughter following a tantrum that needed to be addressed. Dad took the reins on this one as mom caught it all on camera.

When their daughter burst out in a fit of rage, the doting parents saw this as an opportunity to sit down and level with her. Rather than send her to her room, or resort to yelling or giving her what she wants, Randy had a heart-to-heart with his little girl. Instead of punishment or finger pointing, placing blame or spanking, Randy looked her in the eye and told her some very important words.

It’s a pretty heart-opening conversation. Randy talks to his child like an adult, giving her his full attention without being condescending or giving her any reason to think she’s incapable of understanding what he’s communicating. He says things like, “…you don’t always have to be happy, you don’t always have to be silly or funny. You don’t have to be anything… you want to accept it, honor it and acknowledge it, and then let it go. It will get better, and if it doesn’t, then make it.” This down-to-earth dad talks about being aware of feelings, and goes on to say that she can be mad at the people around her, 
”… but don’t hang on to it for too long, because that’s when it gets to be a big problem.”

Deceena explains further, “I think I just watched and listened to one of the most powerful conversations in my life… This man right here. His ability to connect, and to speak from the heart. Open & honestly… I fell in love with him before we had our girls, but moments like this make me fall even more in love with him…

We connect on this level; my heart explodes when he connects to his girls like this… 
No yelling. No screaming. Talking. Discussing emotions and why we have such feelings. HEALTHY outlets (walking, running, punching a pillow, etc)…

Getting down to the root of the problem. Setting boundaries, because feelings were upset. RESPECTING boundaries, to ensure it doesn’t occur again…

Parenting which neither of us had growing up. Listening ears as little ones speak. Knowing you are still loved no matter what. Knowing you are enough, always…

Our goals as parents are to ensure they do not endure what we did as children…”

Click below to watch these wise words imparted on a young little soul. It’s a lesson I’m sure we could all use!

Source: FaithTap

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