Some people (and animals!) are really good at getting what they want. They’ll say the right things, meet the right people and do whatever they have to do to get the job done! Think of soccer players who really go over the top when they hurt themselves to get a penalty shot. Or the friend who always manages to talk herself out of a speeding ticket! And that family member who’s always able to squeeze out a free meal or dessert at a restaurant – and of course, that extra charming dog who can get any human to fork over one, sometimes two, more treats! Everyone wants to know how he does it!
It might be the oldest trick in the book to get a dog to play dead, but this pup brings a whole new meaning to the hilarious antics. If there was an award ceremony for best acting for dogs, hands down, this pooch gets it!
Sam is a big, sweet ‘ol German Shepherd who just oozes charisma. She’s cute, and cuddly and has such a personality; it’s hard not to notice her. The video opens to Sam sitting pretty on the carpet in the living room. Her ears are perked up, and her face is tilted down. Her owner says, “Do you want a treat, Sam?” Before he can even finish his sentence, she’s off running towards him. “Sit,” and she does, sitting on her hind legs, straight and tall.
She’s such a beautiful pup, and obedient! But what happens next is just too funny to ignore! She’s told to stay, and she does, tail wagging back and forth, longingly looking on, awaiting her next command. She’s quiet and patient, and just hanging out eagerly waiting for what’s next when “BANG!!”
Sam hears her owner’s one word and dramatically walks around confused in a circle before falling to the ground and letting out a yelp. She’s on her back, paws up in the air playing dead in the most hilarious way possible! She’s down for the count as per her owner’s command, and it’s so cute! It wasn’t an immediate drop to the ground either; it was a drawn-out “playing dead” straight out of a wild west movie! What a cutie pie! She’s got this trick down pat and will do anything for a treat. I must say, after this performance, she deserves it!
Click below to watch Sam’s award-winning act.