Dad’s New Song Cover Is Raising Hairs On The Back Of Everyone’s Neck

Dad does it again! If you remember, we shared a video early last year of a little girl recording her father sing while driving down the road. She was so proud of her dad and adored his voice, so of course, like any other new age kid, she pulled out a phone and started recording; she wanted everyone to see how good her dad was and celebrate his voice. And that’s exactly what happened!

Kris Jones became a singing sensation. He went on to compete in an international competition and even made an appearance on everyone’s favorite, “The Ellen Show.” We all know he deserved these platforms more than anything and he delivered in each one of his performances.

After his daughter released his initial video, Kris recorded a song he sings in the car, just for his wife. These sweet gestures go to show just how important his family is for this man.

Well, he’s back again, and this time he’s singing the cover of another song, but with a different setting. He seems to be singing from the comfort of his own home and looks quite laid back in jeans and a white tee. His attire and comfortable setting, however, don’t detract from his voice.

Kris weaves magic the moment he begins to sing, doing all the justice to his chosen tune. His tone is warm, and his range is impeccable, all to the point that he makes the original track sound just a bit weak in comparison to how he’s singing.

We’re glad Kris got introduced to the world when he did because he’s a talented singer that deserves the spotlight. Here’s hoping for a bright future for him ahead.

In the meantime, click on the link below and watch Kris’ latest cover, we assure you won’t be disappointed!

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