Pit Bull Needs Dad’s Lullaby To Fall Asleep

Sleep is hard to come by for some. When your mind is reeling after a long day, or you’re worried about what’s to come tomorrow, or maybe you’ve just never been a good sleeper, dreamtime is hard to achieve. Establishing a proper routine before bedtime can be the difference between a good night’s sleep with lots of zzz’s and a night spent tossing and turning.

When dad saw his little fur pup struggling to get some shut-eye, he had an adorable idea to help send Puti the red pit bull off to dreamland.

Pets like to have downtime too. Puti was too excited to close her eyes. She’s used to her nightly ritual of having dad sing her a lullaby to help her get to sleep. In the video, Puti is in bed, curled up but not sleeping. She’s looking up towards dad as he starts to talk. He says a few words, then jumps right into song, his voice soft and serene.

Puti instantly has a “smile” on her face, her tongue hanging out as she lovingly looks up. Dad is singing Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel,” but he changed the words to be better suited for the dog. The new lyrics are hilarious!

It’s an adorable performance, as dad sings with love and Puti melts into a zen-like state in her kennel. He sings, “My little, big baby, go to sleep baby please…” and her head is down, and eyes are closed.

Click below to see dad sing Puti to sleep. What a cute pup!

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