Sweet Baby Can’t Recognize Dad After He Shaves Off Beard

It must be hard to be an infant, having to rely on everyone to help you out with everything. Not only that, but you’re constantly introduced to strangers who think you’re the most adorable person on the planet. Everyone’s got their face shoved in yours, cooing, and ahhing…. This, in turn, leads to tons of baby talk, being picked up a couple of dozen times a day, and tons of strokes on the head, arm, leg, foot, etc. I mean, this doesn’t sound too bad, but you get the idea.

Luckily, an infant learns the faces of their carers very quickly. We know this because of their tendency to burst into tears when taken away from them! Maybe it’s the smell, the body warmth, the connection…but it’s most obviously the ability to recognize a face as well. So could you imagine how horrific it must be for a child to see one of their favorite humans after having undergone a huge transformation? Well, imagine no more! The video below will show you an adorable baby’s reaction after his father shaved off his beard and it’s too hilarious for words.

In the video clip, the baby’s father enters the room with, “Come here, Stevie,” and persists in picking the little one up. The baby’s eyes grow twice the size, his mouth drops, and he jerks his head in such a way that you cannot help but laugh at all the adorableness. All the while, the infant’s mother giggles continuously while recording the whole thing! Dad has shaved off his beard and the poor little guy is too young to compute what’s actually going on! Of course, for us grown adults, it’s hilarious to watch, but as a kid, it’s pretty devastating.

Hopefully, the babe isn’t too traumatized. because over here, we’re all killing ourselves laughing!

Granted, there are tons of videos of this nature available online, but we guarantee that you haven’t seen a reaction this funny before! This kid’s viral potential is off the charts!

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