Kind Stranger Offers Home To Stranded Father And Baby

I love to hear stories like this. These are the little, warm spots of sunshine in times of crisis and doubt. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that we are all in this together. So in the meantime, each one of us just has to do our best to get through the best way we know how and be kind while we do it. Kindness to one another, and kindness from strangers, especially, makes getting through life’s tricky situations a little more smooth, and when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, it can make all the difference.

Joy Ringhofer (the perfect name for this woman, if you ask me!), is a volunteer at the hospital in Arizona where Ru-Andria was born. And when Rubin, the dad, was caught in a precarious situation, Joy saw a man and baby in need and reached out to help the only way she knew she could.

Rubin Swift traveled from Ohio to Arizona to pick up his 4-day-old daughter at the hospital, where he met Joy. Joy, as a volunteer, was rocking his baby girl to sleep, when they started talking and got to know each other a bit better. Following their meeting, Rubin was booked on a flight out back to Ohio with Ru-Andria and made sure to have all the proper documentation so he could fly with his baby without a hitch. Unfortunately, that just wasn’t the case. The carrier turned him and the baby away, even with all the right paperwork. Ru-Andria needed to be at least 7-days-old to fly.

In a panic, Rubin phoned Joy who immediately said, “I’m coming to get you and take you home!” Rubin assumed Joy was going to pack up the car and drive him all the way to Cleveland. Instead, Joy had another plan that ended saving the day – week! – for both father and baby.

Click below to see how Joy changed the lives of two people in an emergency. This is such a great story!

Source: FaithTap

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