Couple Performs Multimedia Dance Routine

As if a regular dancing routine with a partner wasn’t complicated enough, performances more recently have become so much more elaborate! Agreeing on choreography, selecting music, practicing footwork, deciding who leads and who follows – there are so many moving parts to putting on an exceptional show. So, of course, this dancing duo, Another Kind Of Blue, appearing on “Britain’s Got Talent,” just had to up the ante because of they were coming onto a global platform! Their original dance combines performance, technology, and multimedia — they left all the judges speechless. It’s kind of hard to comment when you’re breathless and in awe.

Even better? The look on Simon’s face at the beginning was a look of boredom and zero interest. Moments in, however, Simon changed his tune and was delighted by what he saw on stage!

The lights go dark, and the couple takes their position. A screen with a fireplace appears in the background, and the man runs up to it, motioning with his hand. Suddenly, the fire turns on. This dance is a visually arresting piece that starts with the dancers dancing on their feet against the backdrop, but then turns to them lying on the floor, their bodies projected onto the screen. The idea and effect are that it looks like they are in the screen’s projections when really this is a collaborative piece that combines real-life dancing against an image.

The judges are totally into it. Especially when the couple is “sitting” at the table, but then they are magically transported to another world. They go through a couple of scenes wherein one they are falling, then caught in a pair of hands, then saved by a bird then finding each other before flying through the sky holding onto another big mystical bird. This fairy tale of a dance won over the judges in an instant.

Have you seen more performances by this couple? If so, which one is your favorite one? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Also, don’t forget to click on the video below to see this grand performance come to life right before your eyes!

Source: ShareTap

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