Teen Is Gifted Car After Photos Of Him Walking To Graduation Surface

We are fortunate to live in a world where modern transportation exists. We can get from point A to point B in a fraction of the time thanks to cars, trains, buses, and the like. A significant amount of time is saved thanks to these methods of transportation. But unfortunately, not everyone can afford their own vehicle. This fact makes things dramatically harder as many people form the misconception that every family has at least one car, which is far from the truth.

19-year-old Alabamian, Corey Patrick, was one example of someone whose family did not have a vehicle. Every time anyone from the family has to go somewhere, they either have to walk or take the bus. In fact, after they moved into their new home, Corey had to wake up each morning at 4:40 AM to catch the bus by 5:41 AM for school.

After school, the boy wouldn’t get home until approximately 7:00 PM, cutting into his dinner time, homework time, and general time to himself. It would pretty much be straight to bed as the cycle continued of having to wake up so early in the morning. Regardless of the obvious difficulties, Corey stayed dedicated to his schoolwork until he successfully graduated from high school.

However, Corey’s lifestyle did not go unnoticed. A local radio DJ, Rickey Smiley, noticed Corey walking in his gown, on his way to his high school graduation, took a picture, and posted it on social media asking the public who he was so that he could gift him and his family a reliable vehicle.

Soon enough, Corey received the selfless gift, and it was caught on film, eventually going viral on the web. Seeing the look on his face when getting his first car was simply heart-warming.

Rickey proves that there are still considerate individuals out there with a fan base who know how to use their popularity for the right reasons. Kudos to him!

Overall, learning about Corey and his family’s previous situation made me realize how lucky I am to have transportation — heck, even my own car. It’s things like this that we often take for granted, but everyone knows that vehicles and gasoline to fuel are not cheap!

In my personal opinion, I think good things happen to those who deserve it with time, just as they did for Corey and his family.

Below is a video of Corey receiving his first vehicle after his high school graduation. Be sure to watch it!

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