Cop Rants About Driving Behind A Turtle

When you’re in a hurry and have somewhere to be, it can be incredibly frustrating to get behind a slow driver on the road. You know how it is — you’re on a smaller two-lane road that is windy and hilly, making it impossible to pass another driver. You hurry along, going the speed limit or just a couple miles over, and it never fails that you come upon that one driver who is in absolutely no hurry, cruising well below the speed limit, hitting the brakes at every slight curve.

You want to pass them, but you don’t want to do anything illegal or potentially cause an accident, so you follow them all the way down the road. Some people will drive along behind, yelling at the person who can’t even hear them. It never fails that at the next intersection, where you hope they turn off and go a different way, that they are continuing in the same direction you’re are going.

The police officer in this video appears to be having a similar issue. When it’s just a normal citizen driving behind the slow driver, you wish that a cop would be nearby and possibly ticket the slower driver for going well under the speed limit. That pretty much never happens, though. However, this “slow driver” seems to have gotten caught in the act.

At first, when I watched the video I began to get a little angry. The police officer was being really hard on who I thought was an elderly driver, just trying to go about his day minding his own business. “The nerve of this guy… He’s literally going 1 mile per hour in a 30 mile per hour zone,” he says. Then, he comments on how the guy must be more than 100-years-old and shouldn’t be driving.

When he explained that he had talked to the “driver” and been snapped at, I began to feel less sorry for the older person driving, but I started to think something wasn’t right. Finally, the police officer moved the camera to reveal the slow driver — and it’s not a driver at all! It’s a huge snapping turtle who must be very old, and who is moving very slowly! The officer is following behind the turtle as it meanders down the road, keeping both the turtle and other drivers safe.

You have to watch this video until the end, so click below and get started!

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