Confused Woman Finds Dog Sitting On Her Pony’s Back, She Instantly Starts Recording

From videos of spitting clams to Grandpa incorrectly replying whenever asked what E-Y-E-S spells, what the Internet holds can at times be both random and questionable. If you thought you already saw all the “weird” sides of the Internet, you’re in for a special treat.

One woman arrived home at night and only found something a little out of the norm when her family car’s headlights shone onto their property: something was on her pony’s back. What the…?  Is it a limb that fell from a nearby tree? What about a small child who just wanted a quick, late-night ride? Nope, it’s a random dog!

Once the woman realized what the pony and stranger pup were up to late at night while her family was away, she couldn’t help but turn on the camera. Thank goodness she did because this is gold!

Cricket, the one-eyed pony, and the dog, both gave the recorder a little glance (maybe more like a glare) before Cricket slowly but eagerly began trotting away with her tiny legs while the corgi tightly held onto her back, as if the recorder was intruding on something important. What a sight to remember.

I don’t know what was funnier, the fact that a random dog managed to get into a corral and casually hop onto an unknown pony’s back and be totally cool with hitching a ride, or the reaction the pony had when her owner confronted her on the weird situation. Either way, I can’t keep a straight face after watching this video!

As they always say, sometimes the best things in life are those that are unexpected.

But before putting this viral video to rest, somebody get this dog his own Youtube channel!

To get a good laugh, don’t forget to watch the footage for yourself below.

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