Man With Cerebral Palsy Puts New Spin On Comedy, And It’s Cracking Everyone Up

To accept who you are and the hand of cards you’ve been given is a courageous feat in itself. But then to full-on express it to an audience in a competition on international TV is a whole other kind of bravery and form of self-expression. The ability to overcome life-changing obstacles and laugh at it through finding strength deserves a standing ovation which is what Lee Ridley, also known as Lost Voice Guy, got at his “Britain’s Got Talent” audition.

Lee is 37-years-old from Newcastle, UK, and suffers from the neurological condition, cerebral palsy, that has left him speechless. He was an online content manager before pursuing his dream of becoming a full-time comedian in 2015, and he’s hilarious.

From the moment he steps onstage, it’s clear that all four judges are wildly curious about the special needs comedian. With nothing but a table holding his iPad that plays a synthesized voice with pre-recorded messages and the option to type in responses to questions he didn’t have prepared, Lost Voice Guy delivers an unforgettable performance that has everyone in stitches.

Lee’s sunny disposition and wise-cracking jokes warm up the audience. He’s found humor in an otherwise dark situation, and it’s his honesty that drives his stand-up. He gently pokes fun at himself without being self-deprecating, but instead, enlightening and charming. His opening line is “I’m a struggling stand up comedian who also struggles to stand up,” and it gets funnier and lovelier from there!

Click below to watch Lee light up the whole room. The best part of the whole thing? His ear to ear smile at the end of his performance.

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