College Student Sets Up Her Mom And Professor On A Blind Date Via Video Chat

When it comes to being raised by a single parent, children have different perspectives about their parent’s relationship status. Some kids feel uneasy with the idea of their parent dating someone new. Other times, a child might encourage their parent to find their other half. Either way, kids want their single parent to be happy, relationship or not.

College student at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Aly Oliver, falls into the second category. A few weeks ago, the student decided to set her single mother and her favorite professor on a blind date through the live video chatting software, Zoom. Aly ended up posted snippets of the interaction on TikTok for the public to see, and the footage is cute and hilarious at the same time!

“My mom started crushing on my professor during quarantine,” Oliver explained towards the beginning of the TikTok.

She definitely wasn’t lying!

“Oh my God, that guy is a babe!” her mother said when she saw the professor on Zoom.

That’s when Aly decided to attempt to set the two up, but she wanted to do it in a manner than was discreet.

“I decided to go on his office hours so she could ‘accidentally’ walk in,” Aly explained.

As Aly had secretly planned, she had her mom, Laura, walk in during the Zoom call with her professor, Zach. That’s when the three had a little conversation together. Aly even “reminded” the professor that her mother is, in fact, single. (Hint, hint, Mr. Professor!)

All in all, the video meeting was absolutely adorable. It seems like the professor might have had little thing for the mother too! He even informed Laura that Aly is “one of the best students.”

Although, the professor had a little something to say to Aly in an e-mail after the “accidental” walk-in.

“Hi Aly, surreptitiously recording aside, that’s [an] endearing thing for a daughter to do for a mother,” the professor said in an e-mail. But no worries; the professor said he was “so cool” with her posting (and keeping) the video footage uploaded on TikTok.

Unfortunately, there’s no news yet that the professor and the single mom are a “thing” just yet.

“There’s not much, guys — they live in two different states and, quarantine,” Aly said in an update TikTok.

Completely understandable. However, not all hope is lost.

“I’m going to drop my mom’s cellphone number at the end of my essay because what do I have to lose?”

Make it happen, Aly! I personally think the two would make a great couple.

Watch down below to see Aly’s mom meet her dream man on Zoom. She’s crushing so hard!

Source: Insider

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