Church Creates Version Of “Don’t Worry Be Happy” With Kitchen Appliances And Utensils

For a lot of people, music heals. Listening to a few upbeat songs can have you going from gloomy to giddy just like that. And it seems like no matter what situation you’re going through, there’s a song that can resonate with you. Just got broken up with? Dealing with a back-stabbing friend? Feeling lonely? Stressed out about life in general? Going through a rebellion stage? There are songs for all of that.

Even the members at Victory Family Church in Norman, Oklahoma know that music is something we can all relate to. And, really, it’s something we pretty much need. It’s a form of self-expression, and it’s a way for us to restore ourselves. So, the Norman-based church decided to hop on a Zoom call to create a very unique rendition of the classic song, “Don’t Worry Be Happy.”

“Usually these would be during our regular church services, but during quarantine we thought it would be fun to find a way to do one while everyone was stuck at home,” said Audio Director, Colten Dean.

But it wasn’t just any rendition. The church members got extra creative. As they covered the song, they used kitchen appliances such as microwaves and ovens, along with various kitchen utensils, to create the music as their members sang along. It was the pastor’s ideas to include the utensils, which ended up being a great addition.

Not only is the rendition itself both unique and catchy, but it’s most definitely relevant right now during the pandemic.

“Many people have been cooking at home a lot more recently… Someone tossed out the song Don’t Worry Be Happy, and it immediately just made sense; I think we really just wanted to do something positive and uplifting for everyone.”

It surely is positive and uplifting.

“In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy,” the lyrics say.

At a time like this, it makes perfect sense to lean on one another and share positive renditions with each other. The only way out is through.

“Once the idea started coming together, we quickly realized that it was just a great representation of all the different people in our community, and how we’re all in this together,” Dean said.

Regardless of your religious affiliations or lack thereof, you can listen to and enjoy the following rendition. It’s the most unique version of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” that you’ll ever hear!

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