Mom Of 3 Gets Head-To-Toe Makeover

I know for me when life gets busy, I don’t always look my best. Sometimes I go for weeks without styling my hair, and when it comes to putting an outfit together, I grab whatever’s clean and what’s nearby and easily accessible. Sometimes, looking good just comes last while work and family come first. It’s easy to lose track too, especially if it’s a busy season for work or a loved one has fallen ill and needs extra care.

Christine is a rehab nurse and doting mother of three who knows this situation all too well. She’s been tending, and caring and going out of her way to make sure her family is provided for but has forgotten that she needs a little love and attention too!

Christine’s daughters Giana, Antonia and Natalia think very highly of their mom. “Our mom is a true superhero. She’s the least selfish person I know. Everything she does is for everyone else!” Ever since her husband’s stroke, Christine has put aside fashion and frills to take care of her husband, running around to pick up prescriptions and take care of the household. She will routinely work 14 days in a row, picking up shifts to help pay for things, yet also still manages to make it to her girls’ softball games.

So the family wanted to do something to give back to the woman who is the glue that holds everything together. They contacted the “Rachel Ray Show” so they could surprise Christine with a head-to-toe makeover. Christine walks in looking disheveled and scraggly, but after her makeover, she looks like a totally different person! And wow, does she ever look fantastic!

The crew really went above and beyond to give this incredible mom the royal treatment. From her hair to her makeup to her glasses, clothes, shoes, nails, accessories –everything! She walks out looking like she’s glowing. She can’t stop thanking everyone; she’s so excited! And her family shares that sentiment with her tenfold – the way they are looking at her and sharing in her excitement is heartwarming and kind. Christine is absolutely radiant, and while she may have gotten a gorgeous makeover on the outside, it’s just complementary to the beautiful person she is on the inside!

I think this has to be one of my favorite makeovers yet!

Click below to see her before and after! It’s quite the transformation!

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