Baby Chimpanzee Plays “Airplane” Game With Parent

While parenting can be exhausting and emotionally draining, it’s also filled with so many amazing moments. Many parents will tell you that the day their child was born was the best day of their lives. The first time they held their baby in their arms, they experienced a surge of love that they didn’t even know was possible.

While other memories fade away, parents can remember with perfect accuracy the day that their child took their first steps, said their first word, and the first time they climbed on to the school bus. As the years quickly go by, the harder, difficult parts of parenting blend with all the wonderful parts. There are so many good times and many of those are spent doing simple things like playing with their little one.

Can you remember the games you played with your parents as a child or the games you played with your own children? As little ones, kids often enjoy climbing on their parents and using them as a jungle gym of sorts. It’s even better if mom or dad is actively involved and makes a game of it!

One “game” that kids play with their parents is “airplane.” While their parent lies on their back, the child rests their belly on their parent’s feet. Then, mom or dad lifts them up into the air, allowing them to fly like an airplane. It’s a lot of fun for everyone, but it’s going to take some strong legs to hold the weight up!

Believe it or not, humans aren’t the only species to share a special relationship with their children that involves playing games. A Chimpanzee mother may have a life-long bond and relationship with her young and will spend years raising them. That’s a lot of time for play — like in the video below.

In the video, we see the baby chimpanzee playing with its parent much like a human child would play with mom and dad. They’re playing airplane! Now, it’s true that chimpanzees probably don’t recognize the game as “airplane” but the adorable game is just the same. The little one looks so happy as they play and after the game is over, the parent pulls them down for an affectionate hug. In case you have ever wondered how alike humans and chimps are, this video will show you!

Watch the heartwarming playtime and hugs by clicking the link below!

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