Tiny Chihuahua Meets Newborn Baby

Introducing your dog to your new baby can be a stressful or a wonderful experience. There’s a good chance that during their time with you, your dog has been the center of your attention. They haven’t had to compete with a tiny, adorable baby.

As a parent, you understand the implications of having a newborn. You are the center of their universe—you will change their diaper, burp them, feed them, play with them, and do whatever else is required to keep them happy, forever. But, your pet may not understand this notion right from the getgo, everyone needs time to adapt.

A new baby will require much of your time, but hopefully, you can devote time to your pet as well, to avoid any issues of jealousy. Even though you may be exhausted from taking care of your newborn, your dog doesn’t understand why they no longer have the number one place in your life. It’s not hard to show your dog that there is enough room in both your heart and your home for everyone.

Some things can make introducing your beloved dog to a newborn a little easier. Parents.com recommends that you prepare your dog before you even bring the baby home by introducing them to some of the baby’s items, like the stroller. When you finally arrive home with your new addition, be prepared for your dog’s excitement. “Greet the dog first, since he’s missed you and will probably give you an enthusiastic hello. Then, after he’s chilled out, sit down with your baby and let your dog sniff him to get acquainted,” recommends dog trainer Victoria Stilwell.

The tiny chihuahua in the video below, named Quica, couldn’t wait to see her human parents and meet her new baby brother, Nicholas. Nicholas may be pretty cute, but he has to compete with the adorable pup! When she meets the new addition, she is all tail wags and wiggles, a little unsure, but joyful at the newest human in her life.

Do you have stories about bringing home and newborn and having your pet adjust to the change? If so, the share them in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

And in the meantime, watch this dog and baby’s heartwarming first meeting in the video below, and please like and share!

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