Woman Rents Cherry Picker To Sing To Senior Citizens While Remaining Socially Distant

Things have definitely been different since this pandemic erupted. Restaurants have to make sure their tables are at least six feet apart. Some stores are only allowing a certain amount of customers inside at a time. Barbers and hairstylists are refusing to do customers’ hair unless they’re wearing a mask. The list goes on.

Chicago-based singer, Colette Hawley, knew that she, too, would have to make changes, particularly with how she performs for large groups of people. At first, she thought her in-person gigs were over for a while, especially when singing for at-risk groups. But then she discovered a unique and safe way to sing to the senior residents of Chicago Methodist Senior Services: she’d rent a 30-foot cherry picker bucket truck.

Colette was hoisted up towards the third and fourth stories of the facility on the cherry picker to allow her voice to be heard and herself to be viewed by the residents. The windows of the residents’ rooms kept a safe barrier between them and the singer, and no resident had to leave their room in order to enjoy her rendition of “Tutti Frutti.”

Everyone who witnessed and/or heard the singer had an enjoyable time.

“Everybody was smiling and laughing,” Art Program Coordinator at Chicago Methodist Senior Services, Jenn Ross, said. “There’s a huge loss right now without having family members and friends and volunteers here to engage with folks. … It really kind of boosted morale all around.”

That was exactly the outcome Colette was hoping for. Like most singers, Colette loves getting recognition for what she does, but nothing makes her happier than seeing other people happy as a result of her performances.

“Seniors don’t really have a big national advocate,” Collete said. “I’m coming in hot through the happy face of music, but my endgame is to stand up for seniors and be an advocate. During this whole crisis, who has been the central voice for them? No one.”

And she has great reasoning for wanting to make senior citizens apart of her audience.

“We tend to make seniors disappear. We put them away and we shut them into these places and everyone’s like, ‘I don’t want to go there. It’s too depressing.’ But that’s the weirdest thing,” she continued. “Most people will be old, so that’s going to be you. … Wouldn’t you want to be looking at the face of your future and find out a way to make it better?”

Colette is an amazing woman! And according to her cousin, the singer has been singing for senior citizens and patients with Alzheimer’s nationally since 2014. With her great idea of renting a cherry picker, she can now safely continue to perform in person for more people during the C*********s. Safety is key!

Check out Colette performing at the Chicago Methodist Senior Services facility below.

Source: Washington Post

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