Irritated Cats Deny Friendship With Dogs Until They Make Up At The End

Dogs and cats have always had a strange relationship. Take a look at all the cartoons of the past that create the story of cats and dogs traditionally not getting along. It’s a time-old tale that adds to the drama of everyone’s favorite rivalry. It’s even present amongst humans! Do cats rule and dogs drool? Or do dogs rule and cats drool? It’s so tricky to discern, and totally depends on who you ask!

Sometimes cats and dogs get along famously. Other times, well, it’s just not pretty, and other-other times, it’s a cute power struggle tug-of-war where the cat or dog is trying to be dominant, and the other concedes. And sometimes the roles switch, forever causing owners to come up with new ways to figure out how to keep the peace – or pick up the pieces!

In this compilation of furry frenemy vignettes, the video starts with every clip showing the dog making the first friendly move. The cat seems preoccupied – grooming, lazing – their kitty suddenly interrupted with the sudden appearance of a dog.

It looks like the dogs just want attention, and they try to get it by rolling around the cat or yelping in the feline’s face, to which the cat typically responds with a hiss, a few paw punches, or simply struts away. I think it’s just a matter of different personalities. Cats have the reputation of being aloof, independent. They are good on their own and want to be impressed. Once you crack their personality, they warm up. These creatures just want you to be on their level. Then there are dogs. They are needier and find comfort and delight in being in the presence and winning over humans and onlookers. They’re loyal, sweet, and just want to play – all the time!

These two types of personalities can clash or dovetail nicely. It just depends on the mood and if both parties are willing to meet halfway!

In the video, it’s not until the end that we see some reciprocity. The dogs become less forward, and the cats show a little more warmth. It’s evident that the two animals just don’t speak the same language but can agree to disagree, and it’s just the best thing to watch.

Take a look for yourself in the video below to catch these two on-again, off-again pets do what they do best – argue then makeup and do it all over again an hour later.

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